Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Beginning

Over the past few months I've bought a bunch of various Chinese instruments, and I've decided to take some time and document them. So far I believe all of the instruments I've purchased have been manufactured by JinBao.

When I was researching these instruments before purchasing them, one of the most frustrating things was reading the comments on the instrument forums. On the discussions of Chinese instruments someone ALWAYS comment that they tried one decade ago and it was junk, and thus they are still ALL junk (even though they haven't actually played any of them). Then of course there is the guy who comments "why would you buy a Chinese instrument when you can get Brand X (the same quality) for ONLY around $2000 or so dollars more?".

I went into this, so called "experiment", with an open mind...and hopefully I'll be able to share my candid experiences with the various instruments.

Figure 1. Cases

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